
Sunday, September 30, 2012

27 weeks...

It has been a busy week moving! I finally got an appointment set up to see my old doctor on the east side this coming Tuesday so I'm excited about that. I'll get my glucose test done during that appointment. Hopefully I can get an official c-section date set too!!! I've been feeling sick this last week, but I'd assume it is more from stress (of moving) than morning sickness. I hope that goes away again because I don't like feeling sick! Baby is getting stronger...jabbing me pretty hard and I'm sure he will be kicking harder in the coming weeks. I'm in awe of the places I feel him...I'm not sure where my organs have gone because he seems to be everywhere. I really miss being able to sleep on my stomach...I still sort of do but I'm kind of tilted and often I just sleep on my side (which I don't like b/c my arms fall asleep). Ok, that's all for now..

We moved!

Well, we have finally moved from the west side of Columbus to the east. I just discovered that we live in Blacklick, not Reynoldsburg...which is what I have been accidentally telling people (they're really close).
I have been anticipating this move with a lot of stress and so I am glad it is over. Yesterday, the actual moving day, was pretty bad. Our moving truck was 4 hours later than we expected and we hadn't prepared by packing as well as we should have so it made for a very long day. I felt pretty helpless since I am pregnant and basically was only good for watching Micah and unpacking a little bit. Anyways, since we got our moving truck so late and packing took so long we ended up with quite a mess last night...

...dinning room

...entry way room

So now we have to organize and unpack...which I think will take a while since I'm easily tired and have to chase a toddler around all day. Oh well, at least we're here.

Oh, and we live by the airport so Micah LOVES to point at the sky and watch the 'duckys' (airplanes) matter how many times we say 'plane' he still says ducky.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

26 Weeks

...can you believe my husband went to work before taking my picture for me...;)

Well 26 sounds like a big number and that makes me happy since that means I'm getting closer to the end of this pregnancy! I feel like not much has changed this week as far as the pregnancy. I'm having trouble sleeping but I'm not sure if that is pregnancy related or because Dusty works nights. I also have very strange and vivid dreams. Baby's kicks are getting harder and he moves a lot after I eat chicken...I may have made that up but I think its true. I'm still in the process of trying to get my records transferred from my current doctor to the one that delivered Micah since we are moving next week. Hopefully this week that will all be figured out (faxing issues at current dr.
Micah has been a handful...testing his boundaries constantly. It doesn't really make me mad but it wears me out. Its like he wants to do the opposite of what he should do or what I want him to do all the time and it is easy for me to think I am doing something wrong as a parent but I have to keep reminding myself that it is a normal phase and we'll get through it.
So we're moving this next Saturday to the east side of Columbus to be closer to family and Dusty's job. We've been working on packing and doing all the things related to moving. This is our third time moving in the 2.5 years we've been married and I hope we settle a little more on the area at least this time. It is hard to make friends and get used to a place then leave over and over. I will be glad to have this move behind us and to get settled and have this baby!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

25 Weeks

Still pregnant...still wish I was closer to 40 weeks...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

24 weeks!

This is one of those milestone weeks for me. I know that from now on babies can survive outside of the womb and each day gives the baby a better chance of being ok. I definitely don't want our baby to come early but it is always a worry...and I have a little more peace of mind today.
Still feeling the baby move a lot! I love feeling the baby move and feel completely different about it this time around. It reminds me that a real little baby is in there! When I was pregnant with Micah I just had no idea how awesome the end result of pregnancy was...a wonderful baby that you love so much! Each kick reminds me that I love the little guy in my belly...and he's real!!
I had an appointment last week and everything looks good. I've now gained 13 lbs and measure just right. We are in the process of getting my information transferred to the Dr. that delivered Micah over on the east side of Columbus where we will be moving at the end of the month. She has to approve us (since we are kind of later in the pregnancy) and I really hope she does. I would know exactly what to expect (mostly about the delivery) if I have the same doctor.
Not much other news in our lives right now. Loving the fall weather!

Monday, September 3, 2012

23 weeks

Haha...oh Micah...

Well, not much to post about the pregnancy...I have been having a little evening morning sickness and still feel the baby moving quite a bit. I'm so excited to meet him...I really wish it didn't take so long to grow a baby!
We settled on an apartment in Reynoldsburg and we can move in September 28th. Its fairly new and super nice. It has a different floor plan that what we've had for the last two years so I'm excited to decorate and make it homey.
Micah has been a challenge lately. I think part of it is ME not getting creative and helping him use his energy throughout the day...but I also think he's just getting close to the terrible twos (whatever that means...asserting independence or something). He threw a fit in Walmart today over a ball I didn't let him have. I thought I would never be one of those parents with one of those kids, but Micah continues to teach me that I didn't have a clue...and not to judge. Anyways, I guess that's it for now. Happy Labor Day everybody!