
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Coke truck...and the TWO's...

I'm so smart! Yesterday I decided to surprise Dusty at work...delivering Coke downtown Micah could see Daddy's 'big red truck.' Well...I quickly discovered that it would be nearly impossible to just drive around and locate the Coke could have been hidden in any of the hundreds of alleys around town so we ended up calling Dusty and Micah got to check out Daddy's 'office'...

The whole experience of going downtown opened my eyes to what Dusty deals with every day...awful traffic, a VERY strange road system, pedestrians who don't obey rules, bikers 'sharing' the skinny roads, being in rough areas of town...AND it was really HOT and HUMID!! He WORKS really hard! And I know it's not a job he's passionate about...we all want to go to work every day loving what we I feel like I'm extra thankful today for my husband...who is willing to work so hard doing something he doesn't love for our family. Love you babe!

And in other news...That sweet face in the 'big truck'...he has been on my mind an EXTRA lot lately. Being two is hard. Being the mommy of a two year old is HARD! Nothing in my life has caused me to be in SUCH CONSTANT CONVERSATION with Jesus...pleading for wisdom, hoping for MY heart to change, asking for patience and that he teach me how to be a good parent and asking forgiveness for all my failures as a mom.
People have a lot of advice...I WANT people's advice...but I am learning there is truth from the word, guidance from the Spirit, and MANY ways that can be good parenting. I am trying to figure out what works for Micah and

Bye for now...

Friday, July 12, 2013

We went to Iowa...

I was blessed to have both parents available within a week (or so) of each other to come out to dad picked me, Micah and Josiah up and took us to Iowa and my mom brought us back. The boys did AMAZING in the car! (Which surprised me a LOT)

...because being in a car seat for 12 hours is FUN...ha.

Micah was really helpful in watering my dad's.

We were SO lucky that my little brother had his class reunion and was able to stop by my dad's for a little bit!

Dad remembered seeing this for free on the curb for a month and decided to go to the guys house to see if he still had it...he FUN for Micah!!!

Honestly one of the highlights of my trip...visiting my gramma...yea, in this picture she is talking on her home phone and cell phone at the same time (I guess there is no other option when both go off at the same time)

This was waiting at my mom's house...and Micah made himself right at home:)

Big brother Tyler with Sophie the 'puppy' and cousin Kate!

I'm pretty sure my children forced everybody to have a little alcohol...;)

Heaven for Micah includes parades...he LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!!

Downtown Iowa City...where I went to college...this was a much better use of time and space ;)

...found a local elementary with a sweet playground

...does not yet understand the joys of swinging...

After a long trip away from the husband/daddy we were very happy to be home with him again:).
...I was very thankful for the encouragement from Dusty over the phone while we were in Iowa since I often felt like an overwhelmed 'single' parent. He stayed up late to read to Micah every night on facetime, CLEANED our entire apartment (OCD mama's love language anyone?!!!?), CLIPPED coupons out of the Sunday paper, talked me through near emotional breakdowns... I'm blessed, and very thankful for him!