This has been a crazy week in my pregnant world. My nurse called on Friday to tell me my c-section is scheduled November 29th. She said that that would be 39 weeks. I was in shock because my due date has always been December which case 39 weeks would be December 24th. Anyways, I see my Dr. on Tuesday and hope to get it all straightened out...I highly doubt they would want to risk me having a 36 week baby so I think they will change it. I just don't understand how things got so mixed up.
All this has made me kind of emotional this week. I question a lot what I'm doing. I don't like the whole c-section thing. I don't like not knowing myself when my due date 'should' be. I don't like not being able to trust my body to labor the way a it 'should' be able to. I wish I just didn't think about it all...but I feel like this has complicated it and it would be easier to know I can just let nature take its course.
I've felt pretty bad this week. I feel sick often. I'm not sure if it is anxiety or what. I just want it to stop! I feel like all my organs are crushed. I get heartburn. My belly runs into things I think I should clear as I go past...I don't realize how far it sticks out. I'm always tired...I have a hard time switching from side to side when I'm in bed now and the night time running back and forth to the bathroom is definitely a workout.
This coming Friday Micah and I will be flying to Iowa for 4 days. It will be a short trip and I hope I get out of the funk I'm in right now so I can enjoy being home with family. is something I can be thankful for....I still have ankles...