We were excited when he had this new job opportunity. It provides better benefits and would help better meet our needs financially while I am not working. This last week has kind of hit us hard though and makes us wonder if it is all worth it since we have barely any family time.
Hopefully this can be a learning opportunity for us...and hopefully we get more used to the schedule this week and in the weeks to come.
So I'm 18 weeks...
This week was tough emotionally. A lot of things stopped fitting and it just gave me an out of control feeling. Of course I know that's what happens when you're pregnant but some weeks it seems to impact me more.
I've still had morning sickness and I'm SO ready for that to be gone! I tried to keep my mind off of it and keep Micah occupied too by going to the pool and going out many times throughout the week. I've been able to keep up with him more and more as I get more energy.
I'm not sure if I'm feeling the baby move...I was never sure with Micah either until he was kicking me good...so I'm probably feeling the baby but who knows.
I don't have a lot of 'cravings' but I tend to eat a lot of chips/goldfish/cheese-its...and things like that. Little by little I've started eating more fruits...not that they taste great but my whole body feels better when I eat more balanced.
I'm ready to find out if we're having a boy or girl (We find out August 15th). If it is a girl I'd like to go through and get rid of a lot of Micah's baby clothes. I think this may be the final McClain...
So...our bathroom is upstairs and now that I'm lazy and pregnant I run up there by myself without bringing Micah with me...anyways I did that once this last week and heard squeeling coming from downstairs...this is what I found...
He was fine...just stuck...and of course very happy that I took the time to take a picture before rescuing him.
And in other news....my mom is coming out from Iowa tomorrow! I'm so excited to see her...and she is excited to see Micah...which is great for me if I want/need a break!