
Sunday, June 2, 2013


It's been a while so here are some pics and a little update on life...

Just a little family picture...

Micah flossing...with 13 miles of floss...

Josiah lovin' the bumbo...

Yes, the dog actually licked it and Micah actually took a bite right after...

Sweet Josiah

My babies are growing up!!! Josiah has two teeth now and has gone from being the perfect angel baby to an average, sometimes fussy baby. He is still pretty happy and I'm loving this stage where he is interested in everything (and putting it in his mouth, ha). I really feel like I'm trying to savor Josiah's baby moments...sometimes I just watch him and try to memorize the baby-ness. He will be (most likely)be our last and with that knowledge I think I am just extra sentimental about everything.

Micah is talking more these days! We go on walks and he has to point everything out and tell me what it is. His favorite things are vehicles...busses, cars, trucks, and bikes. I LOVE that the weather is nicer...we go on walks and to the park and getting some of his energy out really helps our days run smoother. He loves his 'Yaya' (Josiah). They really like each other (at this point)...except when Micah wants MY attention...then he sometimes picks on his little brother.

The big thing that our family has been up to lately is looking at houses. It is exciting and hard at the same time. We will most likely purchase a fixer-upper because of our price range, but I am really excited about that since Dusty is really good at all that stuff...and we can really make it our own. It has been a little hard though because sometimes when we look at houses that look decent online we go to see them and find all types of critters and structural/mold problems in the it will definitely be a hunt to find the right one.

Ok, that's all for now...and as always, I hope to write more often ;). I miss all you Iowa folks!

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